Tuesday, April 21, 2009

PGR - Welcome Home - RP3 Marcus Hicks, USN, Los Gatos CA

Pics are from top to bottom, text for a pic is under the pic, click on a pic for a larger pic!

RP3 Marcus Hicks was home and mom and dad asked PGR to come to a video event in the Santa Cruz / Los Gatos "hills". From San Jose, it's just over the 17 Summit on the right. Marcus wanted to show some of what Iraq, and his group was about.

The RP3 is a rank of Religious Protector, a Chaplin's escort..

There was to be a meeting place and escort, Doug won the straw pull... As I went over the hill, I saw his bike and pulled in. His "escort" was to walk across the parking lot!!! GBG

We had four folks show up, Glen, talking to Doug and Gary... of course me taking pics..

I dared to take one pic inside, I did not want to intrude. Mom took a bunch and I thought she was going to send them to me, this is why I waited to post.

She took some great pics of Marcus, dad and friend in and on our bikes! Marcus will be a scoot rider, his eyes were glowing!! GBG

There was a Q+A after the show, one of the folks asked "what do you think about the support you get at home"?

This was a gut shot - the first thing he said was, I want to thank the gentlemen at the back of the room, PGR. He said what we've all heard - we feel helpless over there, we appreciate the support at home.

God Bless you and all that serve with you!!

It was an honor, and I thank you, mom and dad for inviting us!!! And as about 30 folks showed up, a lot more folks thank you!

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