Tuesday, April 21, 2009

PGR - SPC Isaac Norton Welcome Home Oakland

Pics are from top to bottom, text for a pic is under the pic, click on a pic for a larger pic.

PGR was asked to welcome home an injured Hero and we were pleased to do so!! We had 17 bikes and 18 folks! Great day, great ride!

Here we are at Oakland, Ca Airport to welcome home Issac. Some of the bikes and folks getting ready to go into the terminal.

Most of us are in the pic, we're waiting for Isaac to get off the plane, joke on us, he came in behind us. I said, Hey!!! You didn't walk thru our line!! GBG He was in great spirits and smiled!

Isaac and mom talking after we met, center and right. He asked to pose with us while his family took pics, I hope they came out GREAT!!!

So we all got back to the parking lot and needless to say the sensors are not bike friendly so a bit of hassle to get out, but we made it and staged at a wide spot in the road until we all got together.

We were headed to Livermore so Isaac could have lunch with his dad, about 20 miles and off we went! All went fine, but as with freeways and a lot of bikes there is always threading of the escort, but we managed. One interesting thing transferring between 880 and 238 on a curve, a auto battery was in the middle of our lane, luck was kind to us all!!!

At Livermore and Isaac is reading some notes that were intended to be passed to him. A good ride to welcome a Hero home! We'll do it again in a couple weeks to escort him back to Oakland for his trip to Tx for treatment to make him 110%. And he's ready! He's a military man and likes it!! God be with you Isaac.

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