Tuesday, April 21, 2009

PGR - Welcome Home- 129th Civil Engineers

Pics are top to bottom, text for a pic is under the pic, click on a pic for a larger pic!

The last of the 129th coming home Sunday the 9th!!! The Civil Engineers. Welcome home and it's good to see the troops coming home.

We met off SFO at a service station about 4 minutes away. The plan was to let them get on the bus and swoop in, surround the bus and hit the road.

All went fine, started with nine bikes, and one joined us on the road as he missed the staging change but caught us on 101. Ten bikes, a nice escort, flags flying!!!

Took a pic of the waiting area where family and friends meet the home bound folks.

The folks were at the welcome area when we arrived as they were on a bus and offloading was very fast. We had to park our bikes and walk in to the hanger.

We did a lot of handshaking, good to see smiling faces!

Tony, our Ride Captain is front and on left of this pic. Nice to have an "inside man"!!! GBG

After a few hello's we left the families as they had a lot of catching up to do. Took a pic of the bikes staged at the airport. Nice turnout!! As we walked out, the group clapped for us, Rich said the wrong folks are clapping, and I said that thought just went through my mind also.

Wish I could think like 20 years ago, my first thought was that our group should've turned and clapped for them, they are the heroes that deserve our respect!!!

God Bless them all!!!!

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